What is Septoplasty?

Surgeons often recommend septoplasty to treat deviated nasal septum. It is a surgical procedure that aims to restore the normal functioning of the nose while simultaneously treating all the breathing issues associated with a deviated nasal septum. It can be performed on anyone at any age, depending on the medical condition of the patient. Septoplasty is also a part of treating sinusitis that removes nasal tumors and can be combined with rhinoplasty, a nose-shaping surgery. People with a crooked nose often experience breathing difficulties, which is why it is necessary to undergo this procedure to reshape or reconstruct the nose in an ideal way. If you also have a deviated septum, contact our ENT specialists and undergo septoplasty surgery in the safest way possible.

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There are several symptoms that can indicate a deviated septum. People who suffer from frequent nosebleeds, recurrent sinusitis, loud snoring, etc., are some of the early signs and symptoms that can lead to the possibility of a deviated septum. However, the ENT specialist recommends several diagnostic tests that can ensure a deviated septum. Some of the diagnostic tests include -
  • Physical examination - The ENT surgeon checks the complexity of the deviation in the nasal septum by using a bright light and examining the unevenness of the nasals.
  • Endoscopy - This test uses a thin, flexible tube that is inserted in one of the nostrils. The tube is attached with a camera on the other end to check for any signs of deviation.
  • X-ray - An X-ray test is done to have a better perspective of the deviated nose and understand the amount of deviation in the bone structure.
When the bone and cartilage separating the nostrils is not straight, the condition is known as a deviated nasal septum. One can have a deviated septum since birth or following a trauma or injury. The nasal septum supports airflow and if the septum is deviated, breathing can become difficult. Septoplasty is a less invasive nose surgery that corrects the deviated septum, offering significant improvement in nasal related symptoms such as difficulty breathing. Whether you were born with a deviated nasal septum, or have it due to a trauma or an injury, a septoplasty surgery will help restore your normal breathing. Some patients will choose to undergo a rhinoplasty at the same time as their septoplasty. Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure performed to correct the crooked appearance of the nose. The procedure alters the look and corrects the shape of a deviated or crooked nose. Undergoing a rhinoplasty is a personal choice and is not necessary for patients with a deviated septum. To know more about septoplasty surgery in Bhubaneswar you should visit our clinic and meet our ENT specialist.
  • Change in the shape of the nose
  • Decrease in the sense of smell
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Persistence of previous symptoms like nasal obstructions
  • Poor healing of the incisions
  • Septal hematoma or collection of blood in the nostrils
  • Septal perforation or hole in the septum
  • Temporary numbness in the upper gums or teeth
  • Take adequate rest after the surgery and avoid touching or rubbing your nose.
  • Applying ice packs can help with the pain and swelling.
  • Take prescribed medications without fail.
  • Keep your nose dry.
  • Avoid excessive physical exertion.
  • Do not bathe or shower for 24 hours after the surgery.
  • Avoid long exposure to the sun.

Frequently Asked Question

No, septoplasty is done for medical reasons to fix the deviated septum to improve breathing quality and restore normal functioning of the nose.

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that is done to enhance the appearance of the nose in aesthetic terms. Septoplasty is a medical procedure that aims to improve breathing quality by fixing the deviation in the nasal septum.
No, septoplasty is done to straighten the deviated septum from inside the nose by making small incisions. The surgeon removes any obstruction to restore normal breathing from the nose.
Septoplasty can take anywhere between 30 minutes to 40 minutes, depending on the amount of deviation and the surgical expertise of the surgeon. The OT time of surgery can be prolonged if rhinoplasty is needed additionally.
No, septoplasty is a painless procedure since it is done under general anesthesia. The patient is asleep throughout the procedure and does not feel any pain. However, there may be mild discomfort around the surgical site as the effect of anesthesia wears off.
The cost of septoplasty in Bhubaneswar starts from Rs. 40,000. However, the overall cost can vary depending on the extent of the deviation, medical condition of the patient, and the surgical expertise of the surgeon.
Some factors that affect the cost of septoplasty in Bhubaneswar are -
  • Selection of the hospital (government or private)
  • Consultation fee of the ENT specialist
  • Experience and expertise of the surgeon
  • Cost of rhinoplasty procedure (if needed)
  • Cost of anesthesia
  • Post-consultation charges
  • Medication cost
  • Insurance coverage
Some insurance companies do cover the cost of septoplasty partially or entirely if the treatment of a deviated septum is deemed as a medical necessity. However, the insurance claim depends on the insurance policy and the terms and conditions set by the insurance provider.

Preparing for the septoplasty procedure

Your healthcare institute or ENT specialist will provide you with a set of instructions that can help you prepare for your septoplasty procedure. Here are some tips that can help your prepare for the procedure – 

  • Wear loose clothing on the day of the surgery to avoid pressure on the surgical site. 
  • Inform your ENT surgeon of any ongoing medication and medical conditions prior to the surgery. 
  • Discuss your history of allergy due to anesthesia with your ENT specialist to avoid complications during the surgery. 
  • Refrain from smoking or consuming alcohol before the surgery as it may affect the surgical procedure. 
  • Do not wear makeup on the day of the surgery. 
  • Avoid eating or drinking anything prior to 8 hours of the surgery to avoid complications with anesthesia. 

What to expect during septoplasty?

Septoplasty is an advanced method to treat deviation of the nasal septum. Medications can manage the symptoms of the deviated septum, but septoplasty is the effective method for a permanent solution. Here is what you can expect during your septoplasty procedure – 

  • The anesthesiologist will administer the general or local anesthesia for a painless experience. The patient is asleep throughout the procedure and does not feel any pain. 
  • The surgeon makes a minor incision on the septum wall inside the nose to lift or remove the mucosa, a thin membrane that covers and protects the septum.
  • The surgeon reshapes or sometimes removes the septum’s bone and cartilage and reshape for the best results. 
  • The ENT surgeon may insert splints or soft packing to hold the nasal tissues in place and prevent nosebleeds.

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